Tuesday, October 6, 2009


While I was at the store getting stuff for supper, I decided to pick out our new wine of the month. I came across "White Zinfandel" from Sutter Home. There really wasn't a specific reason for choosing it, honestly I just liked the color of it so I thought it might be good. LOL! I took it home, tried it and decided it probably wouldn't be one I'd buy again. It had kind of a tart taste where as I like the ones that have more of a berry flavoring or some other kind of sweet flavor. I'm sure I'll finish the bottle because I'm not just gonna waste a $10 bottle of wine but that'll be the end of this wine for us.
P.S. I just looked on the website and it says it's supposed to have a strawberry & melon taste...I so did not taste any of this!!

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