Our Path Thru Life
Monday, March 17, 2014
Friday, February 7, 2014
8 Months
Brady turned 8 months yesterday. It's really hard to believe that in just 4 short months we'll be celebrating his 1st birthday.
He's getting very brave and pulls himself up to standing against everything.
Sunday, January 5, 2014
It's a blizzard
Last week the meteorologists warned us that a snow storm was on its way and we could expect 9-12" of snow Saturday and Sunday. It started late Saturday night and went thru Sunday with a lot of blowing and drifting. Needless to say, we didn't go anywhere for a few days.

And by our back door. No getting out here LOL

It was very pretty though.

Poor Barrett was drifted in. Thank goodness he was warm in his pen.
Of course we had to make some chocolate snow ice cream.
Check out the drift at the door now

Of course my husbands employer thought he could get to work so he attempted going. I was more than angry about this since the local authorities said emergency travel only for at least 2 days. To me, work is not an emergency but whatever...
Anyway, he ran his truck so hard just trying to get away from our house.
Then got stuck halfway down our drive.

His boss came and pulled him out and thankfully the roads were ok enough he was able to get to work and back home safely.
Friday, January 3, 2014
Christmas Clearance
I love shopping at thrift stores & clearance events so every year I can't wait for the after Christmas clearance. It's always a great time to stock up on supplies for the next year.
I went shopping a few days after Christmas and found some stores had more than others.
I found these Hershey Kisses & red charger plate at Walmart for 50% off. I got the trifle bowl as a gift so after putting it all together I had a cute centerpiece for the table.
My pot holders are extremely old so when I found these at Dollar General for .50 each I stocked up!
I also stopped at Family Dollar & Dollar General (again) and got some good deals
Ornaments for Lily's tree .50 each
This was a great deal. This lalaloopsy doll was $25 and I got it for $12.50! Great deal for these dolls. 

I wanted to get the kids a tree for their rooms next year so I got Brady a prelit green one and Lily a white one from Walmart. I also stocked them up on decorations for 50% off. 

I'm all about burlap right now so I snatched these rolls up & may put them on the white tree next year. 

I can't wait to get out everything next year!
Thursday, January 2, 2014
E.R Visits
In the three years that we've had kids we've been lucky enough to never have a trip to the E.R....until recently.
The first trip occurred before Christmas. Brady had gotten a runny nose, after Lily had one of course. Then he developed a bad barky cough one night and it got me worried so I ventured out on the snow covered roads and took him in while hubs stayed with a sleeping Lily. Thankfully he just had a virus but unfortunately couldn't give him any meds beside Tylenol or Motrin.
The second time was the Sunday before Christmas. After opening presents at my parent's house, Lily was climbing up the stairs behind Brandon. He didn't see her and sat down right on her hand. She immediately started crying & he just knew we broke it so off to the E.R we went. They took x-rays and confirmed, yes it was in fact fractured. Her pointer finger & middle finger bones were broke.
They put a splint on it and wrapped it until we could get to the Orthopedic doctor on Christmas Eve.
On Christmas Eve we took her to the doctor & after evaluating her he said it should heal within three weeks. She didn't need the wrap anymore and was just to be careful so not to break it worse.
I was terrified she would hurt it but she didn't do too bad. There were a few times she fell and it bothered her but thankfully no more breakage.
Fast forward to last week when we had to take her back to the doctor for a follow up. Her hand has completely healed!
Now, hopefully we don't have anymore visits for a very long time.
Monday, December 30, 2013
7 Months
Brady turned seven months on the 28th of Dec. I'm very late getting his post.
He's wearing 6-9 month clothes & 9 month pjs. He's mastered sitting up and is crawling everywhere.
We no longer use the baby bath and loves being in the big tub with Lily. As soon as he sees her bathroom light turn on, he gets in there as soon as he can.
Here's his 7 month pic, just 3 weeks late.
Wednesday, December 25, 2013
Merry Christmas!
Christmas has come and gone now and of course it's always sad. I started preparing in October and it was over in an instant. I was very excited this year for Christmas. Not only did we have two kids to enjoy it with but also Lily is old enough to really have fun with it.
We started on Sunday before Christmas at my parent's house. We had lunch then opened gifts. It definitely was more chaotic this year than previous years. My nephew wasn't interested much after just a few gifts and Lily wouldn't wait her turn before opening. We also had an accident with Lily and had to take her to the E.R. Check out that post!
We got thru it but I'm glad it's over.

Christmas Eve we went to my Grandparent's to eat supper & open gifts. Hubs and I just get money but Lily got a Jingle dog with book and Brady got diapers & a small toy. I always enjoy seeing family that doesn't live close to us. It's a great time for Lily to play with the cousins too.
Before bed we set out cookies for Santa. Of course there's no pic but He left Lily a note in the morning.
Lily woke up before I did so after seeing her gifts she ran in and said "Santa brought me a house and Brady a car!"
I actually took part in the unwrapping and enjoyed the moment so I didn't get many pictures except for after we were done.
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